It’s 12:32 am on June 1, I’m 19w1d today, and for the last 15 minutes, there’s been a party going on in my tummy. I’m not talking about gas or constipation folks; baby girl is kicking and punching away in there.
By 21 weeks I can consistently feel baby kick. She likes to kick when it’s quiet and at night, maybe she feels alone.
At 22 weeks I am amazed to say the least at the power or her punches and kicks. I feel her all the time now. First thing in the morning, at night, when I’m sitting, when I bend over. It’s never boring in my tummy. I’m also very surprised by the occasional bladder punch. If I could send her a note, it would tell how amazingly uncomfortable those are.
It was around this time that we had our big ultrasound as well (the Anatomy scan) and everything turned out perfect. It was confirmed by our OB 100% this time that baby is indeed a girl and is as far as technology can tell, perfect and healthy. And by looking at her picture, a little chubby cheeked already. I wonder if I'll actually have a chunky baby this time?
By 23 weeks I can see her movements outside my tummy and can sometimes feel them on the outside as well. Ron has yet to feel or see, he is too impatient to keep his hand there for a minute to wait for her, and she isn’t very reliable at making her presence known when you want her to.
I just have to say it, but I am so in love with this baby girl already.
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