Thursday, February 18, 2010 I peed on a HPT in the middle of a stinky Russian bathroom. Our last chance at having a baby as we had decided that three miscarriages, and a year and a half of trying was enough. The pain of BFN (Big Fat Negatives) and getting AF (Aunt Flo) every month was heartbreaking and trying in itself. I don’t know why I tested so early (even though I did every month), but more so I don’t know why I didn’t wait till I got home).
At 12 DPO (12 days post ovulation), the line although, somewhat faint, came up right away. I was pregnant once again. Somehow this one felt different, and although I couldn’t allow myself to get excited right away, I was happy that once again I had the chance.
The obsessing over my pink line was short lived, no time to get betas run, we left for vacation the next day, I had something to keep my mind off of all the what if’s. After spending 3 days in Turkey, pretty much avoiding the Turkish bath, we made our way to Greece where after being symptom free, the hidden pee stick in my luggage made its way out during some down time. A clear dark blue line showed up right away, and that was all I needed to believe that this just might be it again.
After coming back from vacation I made an appointment to see my OB for 6 weeks, thankfully my youngest was not feeling well that day and so I cancelled that appointment. Thankfully because I don’t know if I could have gone in that day at only six weeks and not seen a heartbeat right away. My next appointment was scheduled for 7w1d, I was measuring ahead, and baby had a clear strong heartbeat, it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my life, and a milestone I had never reached with either of my miscarriages.
Back again at 9 weeks, and another strong heartbeat, so much faster than the last. I never did get the rating, but hearing it was clearly enough to tell me that my baby was growing strong and healthy. It was around this time that I finally started feeling my first symptoms, although not real strong, the worst of it being major nausea when traveling in a car or in the evenings just around the time it was for me to make dinner. My darling husband and the kids lived off chicken strips, and quick soups for the next couple weeks to follow.
Shortly after 9 weeks we took another vacation. Another perfect escape from the constant worrying, my NT scan and next ultrasound scheduled for a week after we were to get back, just over 4 weeks after my 9 weeks scan. The food aversions started, and nothing I put in my mouth tasted right, and made me gag.
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