Week 18, it’s a good one……
From week 13 when we had our NT scan to week 18 it was a long 5 weeks between appointments, and not a lot going on to keep me busy. Fortunately this last week is proving to be well worth it.
My 18 week appointment I thought would be my BIG ultrasound, the anatomy scan, but as it turned it out, my OB said that we would wait for my next appointment, but we did get a surprise ultrasound anyway to check for gender.
I saw right away that beautiful flicker on the screen, and than the sound of our babies heartbeat, I will never get sick of hearing that.
The rest of the “story” kind goes like this:
My OB did a quick scan of the babies organs, we seen the babies heart complete with four chambers, stomach, and bowels, saw the little hands and fingers
He than moved onto the genitalia area, we saw babies penis!!!!! It's a boy! I even pointed out the “penis” to Ron on the screen.
DOC: “OH WAIT ummmmmm hmmmmmmm hold on....”, "oh I need to go inside"
Yes, it was time to pull out the VAG CAM
DOC: "No no I think that's the umbilical cord"
RON: "so is it still a boy?" lol
ME: "ummm I don't think so lol"
Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle with the prod, not impressed
DOC: "Baby keeps moving"
LOVELY we have a stubborn one already lol
DOC: “I think maybe girl!!!”
So to make this long story shorter, after baby changed positions AGAIN and again and again, and using the thermal imaging and seeing the blood run through the umbilical cord to see where it was for sure, it was no where near between the legs at this point, and we could clearly see that there was NO penis, 99% sure.
So I guess it's official, we have:
A GIRL!!!!!!! Ron is going to turn to mush when this baby comes, every bit of his manly hood is going to be wrapped around this little girls fingers.
No pics of this week though, baby girl was stubborn and facing down.
Funny thing was, even though I grew up always wanting two boys and than a girl, I was no more happy knowing I was having a girl than when my OB said that we were having a boy initially. I'm just really thankful that baby is looking good.
Our next appointment / Anatomy scan and ultrasound is now booked for three weeks from now, just before we leave for Paris!!
Later in the 18th week while sitting on my couch, I felt what I thought was a little thump. At this point, I was quite use to the hardening of areas of my stomach (I've been feeling this since week 16), like baby was rolling around from one side to the next, but I wasn’t quite sure if what I was feeling now was actually a kick or not. The next day, I felt it again, only a few times, but I think I can safely say that my little girl is clearly making her presence known. Ron smiles (I think he knows how happy this makes me).
I’m so happy this week that we didn’t give up, that he didn’t give up on me.