Sometimes we need to see a miracle to believe they do exist, and on October 20th, 2010, a miracle happened right before my eyes.
On October 20, 2010 a miracle was born in the form of my daughter…..
After a year and a half of trying, three miscarriages, our last attempt, and more than two years of waiting, Mia Eliana the little girl I always wanted, and most importantly the healthy third baby I had long awaited for, but never thought I’d have came into this world, below is her completely natural birth story.
The 19th of October I went in for my routine OB visit. He checked me and I was 3cm dilated and cervix was favorable. He stripped my membranes after asking me since Ron would be there that afternoon and in hopes that in the next 72 hours I would go into labor. Well by the time I got home I had started cramping already, and my mucus plus was coming out steady. By 3:00 pm I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes apart, Ron knocked on the door at 3:30, and I think he was a little surprised that I was already in labor.
When he got there we went for a drive so that he could find where the hospital was. I called to see if I should come in since they suggested a good time was when contractions were 5-7minutes apart. They said that it was up to me since I was handling the contractions well on my own, so we opted to go home and return when they reached 3-5 minutes apart.
At 2:00am, contractions had reached 3-5 minutes and I had started to leak fluid. I woke Ron who was having a nap after traveling so long and being up the previous night. Off we went.
When I got to the hospital, I was checked into triage, and at 3:00am was 4 cm dilated, enough to be admitted into labor and delivery. I opted to keep my labor and the birth of our little girl a private moment between Ron and I, with him only having 10 days in country.
Things were going well it seemed, contractions were getting stronger and at one point were coming every 1-2 minutes and than right on top of each other. At 8:00am or so, my contractions had started to fade and space out. I was checked and had only progressed to 5cm (1cm in the 6 hours since I had been admitted). I waited another hour for the OB to come and break my water. This scared me because I knew the contractions were going to get A LOT stronger and closer together, and I still had 5 cm to go, and baby was still high up.
I was so ready to give up at this point. Ron was amazing and talked to me the whole time and constantly reassured me and told me how well I was doing. I swear he must have done some reading or something. I called my nurse; it had to have been every 10 minutes to check me. Not wanting to chance infection though, I had to wait 20 minutes to see if any progress was being made.
After an hour of the worst pain ever, I felt the strong urge to push. Two contractions went by with that urge and my nurse wasn't coming. Ron had to run and get her. I couldn't hold back. It took another 2 contractions while the OB came and the nurse put on her gloves, I was trying hard not to push through, but not doing a very good job at that, baby all of a sudden was ready and was just coming.
Finally after 4 pushes, Mia Eliana made her entrance. She was 8lbs 3 oz, 21 inches long with apgars of 9 and 9. Amazingly, even after how quickly she came, I didn’t tear. We are completely in love. Her brothers back home are so excited with the news and can’t wait to meet her. She has already got daddy wrapped around her little finger, he’s in total awe of her, and they both share a birthday J She is such a good baby and sleeps really well. I didn’t know I could be so in love.

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